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gui.azurdia says:
Emily, Bob, everyone,

I wish to thank you for a fantastic solution.

I have flirted with RTM for over two years. Sometimes using it exclusively, other times in conjunction with other apps.

After having used Omnifocus, Things, ToDo, Toodledo in depth, I am only using RTM.

I will not get into a description of the other apps, Let me just say that I am fed up with syncs gone wrong, endless backups, features you don't even use, endless discussions about GTD and David Allen's interpretation of the world, WebDav servers, etc,etc,etc. I'll just use one example:

My experience in organizers dates back to Day-Timer, Franklin Covey, Palm. I am an organization and tasks freak. My experience is ample and the number of projects I handle is rather large. RTM helps me put everything under control.

My opinion could go unnoticed as one more praising an excellent product. Bear in mind, however, that I posted some aggressive comments months ago. Now, after spending a lot of money on other apps, after having used them for months, I am back to stay.

Thank you for a great app.
Posted at 4:13pm on October 16, 2009
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi gui.azurdia,

Apologies for the delayed response -- I just wanted to say welcome back! :)
Posted 14 years ago
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