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IFTTT integration

jnievele says:
It would be nice if you could link up with - for example, we could set RTM as a trigger in IFTTT, when a specific task is marked as completed this would then trigger an action in IFTTT (or vice versa, something that triggers IFTTT creates a new task in RTM with configurable options... could be done via email already, but direct integration would make it easier)
Posted at 2:40pm on May 18, 2011
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Remember The Milk for IFTTT is now available! Please see the blog post for more info. We hope you like it! :)
Posted 6 years ago
mustard5 says:
I'll second this idea. I've been playing with ifttt for a week now and keep thinking that it would work well with RTM.
Posted 13 years ago
baritoneuk says:
I think this is up to ifttt. I am pretty sure they'll be adding an rtm channel, but I'd recommend leaving some feedback with asking for this functionality.
Posted 13 years ago
davyho says:
Waiting for RTM channel on ifttt! Twitter: @davyho
Posted 13 years ago says:
Me too, it's a MUST to include RTM into ifttt channels! Twitter: @mbisj
Posted 13 years ago
action.manager says:
ifttt went public and it seems very useful, so: +2
Posted 13 years ago
zmunson says:
yes-- ifft channel please!
Posted 12 years ago
ohm says:
ifttt support please!
Posted 12 years ago
g.ayrlinson says:
Yes would remove the requirement for individual reminders tasks in RTM and give a whole new world of possibilities....YES YES YES... G
Posted 12 years ago
devenv says:
Posted 12 years ago
devenv says:
At least rss feed would be already useful...
Posted 12 years ago says:
I would very much like this feature.
Posted 12 years ago
emagdalena says:
Me too. This would be great
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Seems to me this would have to be done at the ifttt end of things.
Posted 12 years ago
stenkate says:
It's ifttt decision to do so, but these comments here can help: I would love to see this!
Posted 12 years ago
nobbyneb says:
IFTTT channel please! +1
Posted 12 years ago
twinstead says:
Why don't we ever get new features? RTM alternatives are looking better and better.
Posted 12 years ago
theandyjnee says:
I'll join in - IFTTT integration would be mind-blowing. please do it or make IFTTT do it :)
Posted 12 years ago
driveafastercar says:
Yes, please!!!
Posted 12 years ago
vannylu says:
When I discovered ifttt I was disappointed there was no RTM channel. So many possibilities, Evernote/RTM for a start!
Posted 12 years ago
jzapin says:
Definitely. For those of us who are GTD junkies and are looking for ways to automate processes, IFTTT seems like a great tool. I love RTM and have no desire to leave. But if another task manager had IFTTT integration, I might consider it.
Posted 12 years ago
jamm3r says:
RTM could help here:
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
A must! I agree though: We must go clap our hands at IFTTT's door.
Posted 11 years ago
kondauroff says:
Posted 11 years ago
ge.legend says:
That would be amazing! With basic task management (create/delay/complete) available both as triggers and actions, I would be able to receive the tasks from all important places and also manage everything from anywhere as well. Please make this work!
Posted 11 years ago
vistar says:
Yes, yes. Good idea!
Posted 11 years ago
kenrpapp says:
The email work-around recipe is not ideal. Something "native" with a few additional options would most welcome.
Posted 11 years ago
jonathan.griffin says:
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
Would love this!
Posted 11 years ago
pachela says:
I'm a big fan of IFTTT. I've longed for a RTM channel.
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 11 years ago
bnmnetp says:
Posted 11 years ago
sunnysigara says:
Posted 11 years ago
lapczynski says:
I hope it's not the question "if" but "when". Waiting!
Posted 11 years ago
scott.kirkman says:
This would be awesome
Posted 11 years ago
adrian.durlester says:
Agreed. Not if, but when. Soon, we hope.
Posted 11 years ago
befwi says:
S'il vous plait ^^
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
Trigger tasks based upon social / environment / and even device status? I'll take one, with a side of "you betcha!" and a cup of your boldest coffee!
Posted 11 years ago
benad says:
Please, please make this happen! Like Evernote integration, this would really push RTM to the next level!
Posted 10 years ago
(closed account) says:
please! this would be so useful as the atom feeds dont work with ifttt
Posted 10 years ago
jhvanco says:
yes please
Posted 10 years ago
xxdesmus says:
Agreed, very much needed.
Posted 10 years ago
(closed account) says:
I use IFTTT a lot. Having a way to add tasks to RTM from IFTTT triggers would be easier than the workaround of emailing tasks to my secret RTM address.
Posted 10 years ago
sherry_zhou_98 says:
Yes, I've tried for months to get the atom or rss feeds to work with ifttt. I've made my lists public (something that the security-conscious side of me cringes at), tried using http:// and https:// versions of the feeds, and tried both atom and rss feeds. Nothing seems to work with 100% success. Sometimes I'll get the ifttt recipe to trigger, but if I try it again in 5 minutes, it won't work. Similarly, a combination of publicly accessible vs private/http vs https/atom vs rss that works for one list will not work when I try it on a different list.

This has been very frustrating in case you can't tell.... Please let me know if you do manage to get it to work, you deserve a medal.
Posted 10 years ago
asenchak says:
REALLY want to see integration with IFTTT... best thing to come into my life since RTM and its a shame how limited the two work together.
Posted 10 years ago
allen.pattiselanno says:
Yes please.
Posted 10 years ago
banjax says:
It would be great
Posted 10 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 9 years ago
hamano1204 says:
Posted 9 years ago
gdoten says:
Yes, please!
Posted 9 years ago
sdd11 says:
Posted 9 years ago
sdd11 says:
You guys already have the api. It should be easy to integrate with ifttt!
Posted 9 years ago
soniablue says:
Surprised it isn't already there!
Posted 9 years ago
oneself says:
Come on!
Posted 9 years ago
ledhed2222 says:
1. I've developed a test integration with IFTTT and it took me about 5 hours start to finish. It's fairly easy.

2. Integrating with IFTTT is free marketing. As an IFTTT user, I often look at the companies (often startups) that have just created IFTTT channels and sign up. IFTTT does a great job blasting their large community with updates on who created new channels.
Posted 9 years ago
babasach says:
I agree with ledhed2222! I discovered a lot of new services that I love and now use daily through IFTTT.

Plus, allowing integration with business tools like Salesforce, Trello or Yammer would be a great boost in productivity!
Posted 8 years ago
mqheel says:
Why hasn't this been implemented? Todoist is everywhere on Zapier and IFTTT. RTM is nowhere. This was requested 4 years ago! This is the new way people are working. All the programs I use integrate with Todoist easily. Even newcomers like MeisterTask have integrations already. Get with it RTM!!!
Posted 8 years ago
wwoolrich says:
Agree with mqheel. This should happen asap.
Posted 8 years ago
wwoolrich says:
Here's the page where RTM needs to get in touch with IFTTT:
Posted 8 years ago
jason.lemieux says:
Yea a lack of integration with other tools is getting old around here. I want to be supportive of you all, but as a Pro user FOR NINE YEARS i'm jumping ship to todoist as soon as they offer better keyboard shortcuts. :(
Posted 8 years ago
ignotus0001 says:
While I like the new UI changes, I must echo the comments of jason.lemieux. I have one foot out the door. Please add IFTTT support, and support for Sunrise, another popular app on Android that integrates calendars and tasks. ToDoIst and wunderlist are already there guys!
Posted 8 years ago
andyhough says:
I love IFTTT and am beginning to love RTM. I strongly echo this thread. IFTTT opens the door to many useful features that Bob doesn't have to build!
Posted 8 years ago
thomasserio says:
This is definitely needed and is something ToDoist has in its feature list already. While you can simulate sending tasks to RTM by using the email channel (from Evernote for example), unless you never want to use the IFTTT email for anything else you'll need to create a separate IFTTT account for RTM. Not an elegant workaround...
Posted 8 years ago
kmf says:
+1 please
Posted 8 years ago
umgeher says:
Posted 8 years ago
jeffsumm says:
This is needed!
Posted 7 years ago
michael.pearson says:
IFTTT has just opened up its API to anyone who wants to integrate with IFTTT. RTM, PLEASE make this happen. Would be so useful to me.
Posted 7 years ago
belminf says:
Has there been any update on this? Would be awesome.
Posted 7 years ago
andyhough says:

I have been using IFTTT to email tasks to myself, and it works pretty well, but I am imagining IFTTT could help alot especially right after Christmas when the Amazon Dot will be prolific. My wife could add honey-do's to my RTM list sut by asking Alexa. Nice.
Posted 7 years ago
bethesk says:
This please.
Posted 7 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Bananas aplenty for any monkey who can code this up.
Posted 7 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Well, Bob does like his bananas... :)
Posted 7 years ago
ledhed2222 says:
Update on this RTM? A lot of your competitors are on IFTTTT
Posted 7 years ago
mspecker says:
So, Emily, that's a yes.....?
Posted 7 years ago
imjwalsh says:
+1. Would find this very useful as well. I was a beta tester with the subtasks etc. and love the new features, but lack on Windows App and IFTTT integration is holding it back.
Posted 7 years ago
josulliv says:
Does Bob respond on these channels?
Posted 7 years ago
tomcal says:
When I used Toodledo, I used an IFTTT recipe that would trigger for each completed task. It would append to a specific note in Evernote, including the task name, date of completion, notes and tags. The tags would then become Evernote tags, if they weren't there already. That Evernote note became a reference of all tasks (and details) I completed. Each week, I would move that note into a reference notebook and date it. Then the IFTTT recipe would create a new note and start appending to that. It was nice to have a weekly note of everything I did, totally searchable in Evernote forever. A quick search in Evernote finds old Toodledo task notes like old phone numbers I jotted down, when I spoke with someone, when I completed a task, etc. Very handy. I hope we can get that with RTM.
Posted 7 years ago
tomcal says:
That also allowed me to remain in Toodledo more often, not needing to go into Evernote or somewhere else to jot down the (phone number, part number for the dryer, product key for that new software, etc.). By staying in Toodledo and jotting down that info, I knew that it would show up in Evernote and be there forever. I have a bad habit of getting sidetracked when I leave my task manager to do anything else...
Posted 7 years ago
pachela says:
+1 +1 +1 please!
You have to know this is a worthy feature when so many rtm users are already bothering with the extra effort (email a smart add to rtm) simulate it.
Posted 7 years ago
panthar says:
I also use IFTTT and would love to see the platforms integrated.
Posted 7 years ago
jeffsumm says:
Totally needed
Posted 7 years ago
tristo (Remember The Milk) says:
Hooray :D
Posted 6 years ago
ben.a.parish says:
Posted 6 years ago
commanderpepper says:
I see that I can set a custom action. I suggest that one trigger is adding a task to a smart list. I can only select the trigger 'New task added in list' which lets me choose from the generic lists.
Posted 6 years ago
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