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Notification email when a list is shared

cweb says:
A friend who I recruited to RTM recently and I were trying to share lists between each other. I expected to receive an email notification or other obvious "home page" notification that someone has shared with me. So did she.

We were baffled for a few days wondering why we couldn't share. I eventually found her list under Settings - Lists where I was able to accept it.

I know UI/UX stuff can be tricky and thought I'd bring this up as an area for improvement.
Posted at 4:11pm on July 10, 2012
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've now improved this with the new Remember The Milk, and you'll receive an email (as well as in-app) notification when a list is shared.

Hope this helps, and thanks for your feedback! :)
Posted 8 years ago
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