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Basecamp integration

awsamuel says:
Can you hook into the basecamp API and suck basecamp to-dos into RTM? I realize this probably depends on us having nested to-do lists.

Basecamp is what I need to manage the big picture of projects, keep in touch with clients, and assign tasks to my team, subcontractors, and client staff.

But Basecamp is not a good tool for personal task management. However, copying basecamp to-dos into RTM is annoying and requires me to manually update both places.

Once you introduce nested lists, each Basecamp project could be an RTM list (tab). A basecamp to-do list could become a nested list on that tab, with tasks listed inside the nested sublist.

It's a little trickier without nested lists, but I'd still settle for a dump of all my tasks in a given project, directly into an RTM tab/list of the same name. I'd lose the in-between layer of to-do list names within Basecamp, but I can live with that -- especially if completing a task in RTM marks it complete in Basecamp.

Please, please, please? I'd love to talk about bounty-ing this if other folks are interested -- I'm assuming there is some clever person out there who could do a basecamp/RTM mashup using both of their APIs.
Posted at 6:27am on October 3, 2007
bzpilman says:
As an alternative, if they introduced dropdown groupings, each Basecamp project could be made into a dropdown menu, and each nested list into a list inside the dropdown.

That's assuming dropdowns worked for both smartlists and normal lists =)
Posted 16 years ago
willbank says:
awsamuel - I'm well up for contributing to the bounty as it would be a huge bonus to me...
Posted 16 years ago
themovement says:
This is a huge feature for me. Basecamp sucks on the iphone.
Posted 16 years ago
janastasios says:
+1 from me
Posted 16 years ago
silente says:
+1 as well. I need a way to sync my work todos (managed through a group basecamp system in our dept) and my personal rtm account.
Posted 16 years ago
jgbrenner says:
+1 more. true, two-way sync is needed.
Posted 16 years ago
mamsden says:
+1 here as well. This feature would allow us to use RTM companywide.
Posted 16 years ago
davilac says:
Would pay for that
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
tommy_kokko says:
yes please
Posted 16 years ago
spreisz says:
+1 - Currently migrating some base-camp to-dos to RTM ... manually :(
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I love to see some RTM and BC integration
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes please - me too!
Posted 16 years ago
hw.digitalspices says:
+1 this would be huge benefit for us!
Posted 16 years ago
whaleyo says:
+1 would definitely pay for this
Posted 16 years ago
adeloso says:
Posted 16 years ago
apgordon says:
+1 for integration with HighRise (also by 37 signals). I love how HighRise has contacts, but the tagging system and task management pales in comparison to RTM. If they could be linked together, that'd be awesome.
Posted 16 years ago
clearview.rob says:
+1 for RTM integreation
Posted 15 years ago
chris.preen says:
BC + RTM integration would make RTM even better. Way better.
Posted 15 years ago
jpmorganjr says:
Very much would love to have this feature. Huge benefit. I'd even be willing to pay for a pro account to have it.
Posted 15 years ago
minusfive says:
+1 for RTM Basecamp integration!
Posted 15 years ago
masayang says:
Posted 15 years ago
jamie.buchanan says:
+1 this is a must have and will make or break continuing with RTM for me.
Posted 15 years ago
meeena says:
If this feature existed, my entire team (20 people) would be using RTM in a flash - and paying for it.
Posted 15 years ago
barrysaunders says:
yesh please. me wanttee
Posted 15 years ago
humbertofarias says:
+10 I manage several projects as one, and Basecamp's lack of Due Dates for tasks forces me to copy my to-dos into RTM
Posted 15 years ago
mark.wiley says:
+1 - This would be enormous for me. I currently manage all my major projects in basecamp and use RTM for personal tasks. I then subscribe my RTM tasks and basecamp milestones to my google calendar (which is auto-synched to my outlook and therefore my iPhone). It's complicated, but so far works well, EXCEPT that I can't see my RTM tasks and basecamp to-do's on ToDo on my iPhone since I can't get my basecamp to-do's on RTM.

One thing I tried is to set my RTM dropbox email as my basecamp email and then mark my to-do's as milestones that get emailed. But then the email comes over as a generic inbox task without any info since I can't format the basecamp email into any RTM format.

Anyhow, this would be great and I would pay, I'm already a pro plan member.
Posted 15 years ago
mark.wiley says:
bump, anyone have an update or suggestions?
Posted 15 years ago
amoslemi says:
+1 copying and pasting tasks cannot be the only solution...
Posted 15 years ago
mark.wiley says:
Another bump - can someone from RTM team at least tell us if this is in the works?
Posted 15 years ago
vin.kash says:
+1 great feature
Posted 15 years ago
gmonty says:
+1 (Integration with the whole 37 signals suite would be nice)
Posted 15 years ago
marcus.bell says:
+1 agree with gmonty
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'm definitely going to extend my subscription to RTM if Basecamp integration was added.
Posted 15 years ago
smoothmoniker says:
+1 yes please!
Posted 15 years ago
allan.berry says:
bump here too. Any chance somebody from corporate monitors this thread, and can let us know if this is happening?
Posted 15 years ago
veronism says:
Posted 15 years ago
mark.wiley says:
+1 AGAIN - any word from RTM regarding this, is it on the development roadmap or is there an integration out there somewhere?
Posted 15 years ago
mark.wiley says:
OK - I just wrote a quick Outlook macro that helps me out. I'll try to explain it here.

This macro runs in Outlook from a Rule. When I get an email from the notifications account of my basecamp account (which is the email notification of a ToDo item assigned to me), this script runs. It breaks apart the email and reconfigures it to a RTM email that then gets automatically sent to my RTM dropbox address.

Here is the example:
The email body I get from basecamp when I assign a ToDo item:

Company: Peak Process Solutions Group
Project: Our House Website

You have just been assigned the following to-do item by Mark Wiley :

Main List

* test this automatically

To view this to-do list, visit:

The script will reconfigure this email to this format:

Task: Our House Website - test this automatically
L:Project Work

Basically - it takes my project name and adds the todo task text, assigns it to my Project Work list in RTM and adds the Work tag.

To create this, copy the following code and paste it into a Macro in Outlook:

Sub RunAScriptRuleRoutine(MyMail As MailItem)

txtBody = MyMail.Body
posStart = InStr(1, txtBody, "Project: ", vbTextCompare)
posEnd = InStr(1, txtBody, "You have just been ", vbTextCompare)

posStart = posStart + 9

txtProject = Mid(txtBody, posStart, posEnd - posStart)

posStart = InStr(1, txtBody, "* ", vbTextCompare)
posStart = posStart + 2
posEnd = InStr(1, txtBody, "--", vbTextCompare)
posEnd = posEnd - 1

txtToDo = Mid(txtBody, posStart, posEnd - posStart)

txtNewMessage = "Task: " & txtProject & " - " & txtToDo & "" & "L:Project Work" & "" & "Tags:Work"

Set MyItem = Application.CreateItem(0)
With MyItem
.To = ""
.Subject = "basecamp item"
.HTMLBody = txtNewMessage
End With


End Sub

Then go to Tools --> Rules in Outlook. Create a new rule that runs when you get an email from your notifications address from basecamp. Choose run a script as your action, and choose the macro you just created to run.

There are probably more elegant ways to do this, if so someone can run with it.

Hope it helps until the time comes for a proper integration.
Posted 15 years ago
mark.wiley says:
One note - remember to add your RTM inbox address to the Outlook macro, don't use the one I stupidly listed! (which I've had changed now... duh).
Posted 15 years ago
krissy says:
Hi everyone - thanks for your suggestions re: Basecamp integration. I don't have any info on possible implementation at this point but will keep you posted.
Posted 15 years ago
anabelle says:

ill be waiting
Posted 15 years ago
jakeub says:
I would pay for this as well.
Posted 15 years ago
kugutsumen says:
same here
Posted 15 years ago
veronism says:
Posted 15 years ago
somewherehot says:
Me too
Posted 15 years ago
ryangraves says:
Hey Krissy - anything new on the integration with basecamp? Seems like there is a large user group who desperately wants this...

Any possible timeline would be great!
Posted 15 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
I have not seen seen Krissy here since April, I think, so I am very curious if she replies, Ryan. I thought she'd moved on from RTM.
Posted 15 years ago
katylava says:
+1 please please
Posted 15 years ago
rosco77 says:
+1 yes please. I would love for this to happen
Posted 15 years ago
rosco77 says:
Just to let you know that we have tried to implement this as an application for all of you to use. Unfortunately Basecamp doesn't timestamp it's to-do's which means that we have no way to determine which application was the last to create, edit, or complete a task.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but until 37 Signals put a timestamp on their API stream, this is impossible.

I'll keep you posted if anything changes.
Posted 15 years ago
amoslemi says:
Posted 15 years ago
anand.shroff says:
I'll see if we can contact 37signals to have this added.
Posted 15 years ago
fshapps says:
Any response from 37signals? As a heavy user of both basecamp & RTM I find myself yearning for this on almost a daily basis...
Posted 14 years ago
ryanray says:

I wish I knew if it was in the roadmap or not. Then I could know if I should build a little webapp that does just this.
Posted 14 years ago
tadhgk says:
Maybe you should.

+1 from me too btw.
Posted 14 years ago
pgilmore says:
They've just addes due dates on todo's don't know about timestamps though. Anyone know?
Posted 14 years ago
benmanns says:
I would be interested and would upgrade to a premium account for Basecamp integration.
Posted 14 years ago
dmcconkey says:
+1 for pgilmore's message and question.
Posted 14 years ago
renatodias says:
Its unbelievable that until now you haven't made this possible. Hurry up. Keep on making my life easier ;-)
Posted 14 years ago
danielbachhuber says:
+1 for the integration idea, fwiw
Posted 14 years ago
paul.killoran says:
+1 this would be awesome
Posted 14 years ago
jason.lautzenheiser says:
+1 on this!!
Posted 14 years ago
dragonsdesign says:
+1 i would also love to see this, what about integrate it with basecamps milestones to start off with.

I would love to be able to use it with the time tracking function aswell
Posted 14 years ago
nathan.vexler says:
+1 would love to see !
Posted 14 years ago
dan.konig says:
This would be a nice integration in my opinion.
Posted 14 years ago
adam.moreland says:
+1 more - would love to see this. Do we have any timescales for this now?
Posted 14 years ago
narcissi says:
+1 to Basecamp integration the many already here. This would be super useful.
Posted 14 years ago
seasoul says:
+1 That would be a bit like when RTM was introduced to my life. Or when Basecamp was added to my work habits. I won't know how I managed before without that :)
Posted 14 years ago says:
+1 Yes, that would be sooo helpful
Posted 14 years ago
metadaptive says:
+1 would be enough alone for me to go premium...
Posted 14 years ago
joemmanuel says:
+1 and i would pay for it
Posted 14 years ago
sdemessieres says:
Posted 14 years ago
captainc says:
Posted 14 years ago
neverlosty says:
Posted 14 years ago
simonjhamp says:
I would definitely like to see this! I need to start seeing my tasks in a unified location and I'm loving RTM at the minute! In fact, I'm gonna go pro soon

+1,000,000,000,000 from me
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes Please! As a long-time RTM user and new Basecamp user, would LOVE to see integration.

RTM rocks my todo world but Basecamp is a must for bigger collaborative efforts.

Thanks for listening :)
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
nick.fallon says:
Count me in!
Posted 14 years ago
tbradshaw says:
Posted 14 years ago
elwoodtn says:
+1 !!!!
Posted 14 years ago
frank.spandl says:
Posted 14 years ago
derelect says:
+1 Would Pay for this.
Posted 14 years ago
markfrancombe says:
+1 Please YES YES YES!!!!!! I would love not to have to look at bascamp again!
Posted 14 years ago
parallax1 says:
Posted 14 years ago
chrismcmahon says:
yes please
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1, I really need this too!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 If you're taking votes on feature requests, count me in.
Posted 13 years ago
chris.ching says:
+1 just started using basecamp and RTM. Having them integrated would be fantastic.
Posted 13 years ago
mikeschwede says:
What's up with the integration?
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
How is this project going on? Just found out that there's a php library for RTM ( There's also one for basecamp... If right now no one is working an this project, I'll give it a try...

Maybe right now any suggestions what should be possible?
Posted 13 years ago
yosef.waysman says:
Posted 13 years ago
provident says:
id like the whole 37sig task suite to sync imho
Posted 13 years ago
jonnymcalister says:
+1 yes please, big thumbs up for this one
Posted 13 years ago
jvanlieshout says:
Posted 13 years ago
alexmrv says:
Posted 13 years ago
ronledford_cpa says:
Posted 13 years ago
plainclothes says:
the community is still hoping ... another vote from me.
Posted 13 years ago
sabnk says:
Posted 13 years ago
jermy85 says:
Posted 13 years ago
khasidyd says:
Posted 13 years ago
1beb says:
Yup, for now, having information in two places is painful. Switching over to BC until we can get some synch rollin' love this app but have no choice about using BC for my job.
Posted 13 years ago
1beb says:
One way synch would be nice (from BC to RTM). Their API isn't all that technical, and I'd be more than fine with BC todos living in the inbox as they are generally action items. The only problem I forsee is how/when to update and authenticate between the two. Getting a list of todo's in xml format is easy as pie: (post auth)
Posted 13 years ago
aclnalmeida says:
Count me in for this one. I love BC but nothing does todo management as RTM...
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
penneykh says:
do it +1
Posted 13 years ago
c.hawkins says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
athyder says:
I'm hooked on rmilk, yet need to start keeping my todos in basecamp for work. I don't want to abandon rmilk though. Hook up a solution.
Posted 13 years ago
msanting says:
Posted 13 years ago
heather.gallegos says:
Please please add this!! I want RTM to be my aggregator of to-dos of all my work / life areas. Havn't to double entry in basecamp and RTM sucks eggs.
Posted 12 years ago
foxumon says:
+1 I don't care for basecamp...but have to use it :(
Posted 12 years ago
reviewbible says:
Posted 12 years ago
its_erika says:
Not sure that adding another +1 will help but I will do so in case it does.
Posted 12 years ago
justinshea says:
Posted 12 years ago
nfitzhugh says:
+1 Any update on this???
Posted 12 years ago
beauraich says:
+1 this would be great now make it happen
Posted 12 years ago
thomas.vladeck says:
+1 this feature would be amazing for me. doesn't seem like there has been much traction though in the past 4 years.
Posted 12 years ago
jeremypaul says:
Posted 12 years ago
allen.simon says:
Posted 12 years ago
garix says:
Posted 12 years ago
ukitazume says:
Posted 12 years ago
tobias.mcnulty says:
Posted 12 years ago
shawn.weekly says:
integration with basecamp would rock harder than superman's kneecap. a hearty +1 here.
Posted 12 years ago
srigo says:
+1 get it done....
Posted 12 years ago
mkn says:
where are we standing tpday on this?
Posted 12 years ago
mkn says:
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Please make it happen.
Posted 12 years ago
tanya.y11 says:
What the heck? This seems like such a simple request that takes 4yrs to update. New Pro member not so happy about this. Double entry is NOT an option for me in 2012!
Posted 11 years ago
karas.p says:
Posted 11 years ago
timbarcz says:
Posted 11 years ago
ma_ha says:
Posted 11 years ago
furet says:
Posted 11 years ago
megadice says:
Posted 11 years ago
polarpixel says:
Definitely a great thing. Would love to use it.
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
+ 1
Posted 11 years ago
clixigen says:
Posted 11 years ago
skjreilly says:
+1 from me as well gonna tweet this thread to RTM see if they will retweet
Posted 11 years ago
skjreilly says:
Or even look at
Posted 11 years ago
bramopdam says:
Posted 10 years ago
samuelszabo7 says:
Posted 10 years ago
c0debabe says:
I just joined a group using Basecamp and integration would complete my life.
Posted 10 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 and nested to-dos
Posted 10 years ago
(closed account) says:
need this.
Posted 10 years ago
rileco says:
Would be perfect to have! ;-)
Posted 10 years ago
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