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Today badge not updating in RTM 1.4.0

action.manager says:
I'm afraid I found a (the first?) bug in RTM 1.4.0 (with iOS4 support)...

After I updated and opened RTM, I had 1 task left with deadline today. The badge on the "Today" tab on the tab bar was correctly showing the number "1". However, after completing this remaining task (in the iPhone App itself), the badge kept showing the number "1" (while the table view showed the text "No tasks"), even after several manual syncs. In fact, the "1" even returned after killing RTM using iOS4's multitasking taskbar and starting it again!
Posted at 9:02pm on July 16, 2010
action.manager says:
Update: a day has passed, so new tasks with deadline today were added to the Today view. The badge was showing the correct number then. I've just completed a few tasks (on the web) and the badge number still is correct after a manual sync.
Posted 14 years ago
mb01915 says:
Ditto - badge number is not updating on the iPhone after "upgrading" to the new version.
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
If you come across this issue, would it be possible to submit an iPhone & iPod touch app issue report via our support system?

Please select the issue that you're experiencing from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, just click on "I'd like to report a new issue" on the left.

Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.

Posted 14 years ago
mb01915 says:
There is really little else to say. Before "upgrading" to the new version on the iPhone badge numbers updated correctly. Now they don't.
Posted 14 years ago
action.manager says:
Already done...
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
We can help you correct this issue by reapplying some settings; if you get in touch with us we can discuss the details with you.

Posted 14 years ago
abonhote says:
Same here. Would it be an option to post the solution to this thread?
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
The solution varies a bit depending on the symptoms and what you're seeing, but in general you should be able to resolve this by changing your settings and back.

To do so, you can go into More | Settings, change the App Badge setting to None, synchronizing the app, exiting, reentering, changing the setting back, and then synchronizing again.

If you're having problems, the best way to correct it quickly is to contact us (as per above).

Hope this helps!
Posted 14 years ago
abonhote says:

thanks, solved the problem!

Posted 14 years ago
action.manager says:
I have experienced this problem several times during the last few days...

When it happened today I noticed that when I entered a new task with deadline today that task got yesterday as its due date...

Now I wonder: is this the consequence of RTM being "always on" on iOS4 (on my device) and might the App thus miss that a day has passed because that is only checked in some kind of initialization routine?
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
No, that's not possible; usually, due date problems result from timezone mismatches. These are probably two separate issues.

If you haven't already, would it be possible to submit a new issue report to discuss the details?
Posted 14 years ago
action.manager says:
I already submitted an issue for the badge not updating 10 days ago.

I will now submit a new issue for the wrong due date.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
I still have a problem even after trying andrewski's workaround. I'm running version 1.4.0 and an iPod Touch with iOS4. If the app sync's in the background it will show today's tasks PLUS ONE. So if I have 2 tasks due today the badge will show 3. Very frustrating! :-)

I just submitted a bug report.
Posted 14 years ago
a5vd says:
I had the same problem today. When I marked a task as done, I had a near zero network signal. Later with better signal, I tried to mark that task as incomplete and mark again as complete but that did not work either. Finally, I did same procedure on the Rtm website and synced with wifi connection. It finally worked.

I am doubting that problem is with the sync settings which is 1)auto(my setting) 2) wifi only 3) manual. The iOS4 may have problem with apps adjusting to the network connection available to them.
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
If you haven't already, you may want to submit an issue report as mentioned above; I can help track down the cause of any discrepancies.
Posted 14 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We think we've fixed the last of the issues with badge counts in the latest update (1.5.0, see release notes). If anyone experiences any badge count issues after updating to this version, please let us know.

Posted 14 years ago
mb01915 says:
Badge counts work but now due dates in the app are one day earlier than entered through the website.
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
That sounds like a different issue; if you haven't done so already, would it be possible to submit an iPhone & iPod touch app issue report via our support system?

Posted 14 years ago
mb01915 says:
check your system and you will find the issue report
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks; I'll be in touch soon!
Posted 14 years ago
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