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No Ring on the iphone

nicole84 says:
I wrote an topic in rtm, with the "moo" ringtone. I wanted,that the phone will ring to remember me on the topic. I checked all positions, but rtm did not remember me with a ring.
But i need this ring feature,otherwise the rtm do not help me in my organisation.
Can help me somebody?
Thank you,Nicole
Posted at 6:35pm on November 23, 2011
brendan says:
Hi nicole84,
Would you be able to contact us via email so we can take a closer look at this with you?

Posted 12 years ago
margaret.winn says:
Me, too. I've been using the cow bell sound successfully for months on my iPhone 4 and I noticed over my Thanksgiving vacation that it had stopped making the sound on my phone.

It still SHOWS the task on my lock screen, but no sound. I have come to depend on the sound for certain tasks. I've changed all the options, rebooted the phone. Re-set all the options for sound & notifications, turned off & restarted my phone a couple of times, too.

I'm using iOS 4.2.10 (have not upgraded to 5.0x yet as I'm in the middle of a major project and need to keep syncing other things the way they are before introducing a new operating system. The app version is 2.0.2.
Posted 12 years ago
brendan says:
Hi margaret.winn,
Would you be able to contact us via email as well? We'd love to take a closer look at what might be going on here.

Posted 12 years ago
pixelgraphix says:
Me, too. Again. I've already contacted support about the issue some days ago. I solved the issue by re-installing the app. But unfortunaltely it happens again now.
Posted 12 years ago
brendan says:
Hi pixelgraphix,
I saw your second request on this and I've sent some further troubleshooting steps via email to try.

Posted 12 years ago
eric.belt says:
I've been having the same issue. Can someone post on here when there's a fix?
Posted 12 years ago
pm2707 says:
And i have same problem!!! IOS 5.0.1
Somebody have answer?
Posted 12 years ago
psavelev says:
Same issue
Posted 12 years ago
brendan says:
For anyone who is still experiencing this problem, would you be able to contact us so we can take a closer look with you? We'd love to get some further details on this.

Posted 12 years ago
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