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Auto-complete doesn't work on locations

kondrashov says:
I have two locations defined: "Work" and "Home". I can see them in the app on the sidebar under "Locations".

But when I enter a new task and click the location icon - those two don't show up. All other autocompletes work fine.

I have tried logging off/on and even re-installing the app. That solves the problem for a few new tasks, but then it goes back to not working.

Please, help.
Posted at 2:00pm on June 26, 2019
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi kondrashov,
Sorry to hear about that!

Are you able to contact us about your app to see if we can track down this issue?

Posted 5 years ago
kondrashov says:
Sure. Thanks!
Posted 5 years ago
kondrashov says:
Any progress with this issue? It's not a huge deal for me, but it's really annoying to type "@Home" manually which sometimes gets recognized and sometimes doesn't, and typing it disables the options menu so I'd have to type "^" for example to activate the date picker after entering the location. Thanks.
Posted 5 years ago
kondrashov says:
Two months, and still nothing? I'm disappointed.
Posted 4 years ago
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