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Amazon Alexa Skill

nickle says:
Can we have it in the UK please?
Posted at 12:42pm on February 16, 2017
tristo (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi nickle,

Thanks for getting in touch.

We don't have specifics to announce yet about this, but stay tuned for more. We promise to share details as soon as they're available!

Let me know if I can help with anything else in the meantime.

Posted 7 years ago
(closed account) says:
Are there any workarounds that anyone knows of in the meantime? Via IFTT or anything?
Posted 7 years ago
nickle says:
It's a pain. I can't see why there is a restriction
Posted 7 years ago
paulpap says:
Any chance of an update on this? I love RTM, and wouldn't want to have to move to a different todo manager just because of Alexa integration. Cheers, Paul
Posted 7 years ago
nmuenzner says:
Looking into Todoist and having Alexa Integrations also in Germany I would love to see it in RTM as well - anything I can support with? Maybe Translations?
Posted 7 years ago
carolus says:
For the time being I use Alexa with any. do. Is there a real chance for getting RTM working with Alexa this year?
Posted 7 years ago
maineguide007 says:
I would love to see a reboot of the Alexa skill.. It is clunky and awkward right now. For example the wake-up command could be shortened to " Ask RTM to"
Posted 6 years ago
nmuenzner says:
Nearly 1 YEAR later and Alexa seems to rule the world of VUI Assistants. Only issue for me is that there is no update about when I can use RTM with Alexa also in Germany. Any news please? Even if you only make the US Skill available in Germany too this would be a starting point. Thanks.

PS: the Multi-List feature of with Alexa is really the Benchmark right now, but even Todoist is there and both cost less money than our 2 RTM Premium Accounts 😳
Posted 6 years ago
hoberion says:
todoist is so nice with alexa, really want this intergration with remember the milk
Posted 5 years ago
marco.littges says:
Any updates on this topic? Having Alexa and Google Assistant support is crucial to me!

I bulit a workaround via IFTTT, but it´s not convenient because i can´t share Smart Lists or name a specific list e.g. "Shopping List", where all items can be copied to.

Please re-activate Alexa development for other countries!

Posted 5 years ago
leesto says:
Any updates on this one? It's now turning into a deal breaker, especially with the silence on any form of progress.
Posted 5 years ago
guillemrossello says:
No comments about it yet? In Spain we're also waiting for this. RTM seems to be focussed only in IOS' users in the USA. No Google Assistant integration, no skill out of the USA... I know you aren't a big team, but it's really going too slowly...
Posted 5 years ago
jasvinderm says:
Any updates for this?? UK user here... communicate with your customers?
Posted 5 years ago
joerg.schreiner says:
Looks like really just focussed on US.
Not even a reply since 2 years.
I think, we can call this "ignorant" now.
Posted 4 years ago
andreas.fritz says:
Can we have it in Germany please?
Posted 3 years ago
tenaran says:
Just got myself an Echo device and went looking for the RTM skill, and I am quite amazed to see this thread begging RTM team to share the skill outside the US. Please can someone from the team let us all have an update on this?
Posted 2 years ago
tenaran says:
Any ideas why this is still not available in the UK? Please can someone from RTM team explain why this is stuck, and whether there's anything anyone in the community can do to help?
Posted 1 year ago
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