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Ability to click on task name to edit in task details box

wodow says:
It would be good if the name of a task could be editable by clicking on its name in the floating Task pane rather than trying to hit the pencil icon (which moves position depending on task name length and is sometimes difficult to see).

Posted at 8:52am on October 28, 2005
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Interesting idea :)

We have the icon because, without it, it wouldn't be obvious that there was something to click on at all. But I guess we could make the text of the task name clickable too.
Posted 18 years ago
teri says:
I'd like this too.
Posted 18 years ago
actingtrue says:
Yes, voo2do does this aspect very well and it definitely makes sense.
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
i'm in.
Posted 18 years ago
hi.mary says:
Me too.
Posted 18 years ago
ultrapasty says:
That sounds ideal - text and icon!
Posted 18 years ago
indigoviolet says:
Posted 18 years ago
indigoviolet says:
Actually I'd like it to be clickable in the task list itself -- maybe double click to edit? Or have the pencil icon in the task list?
Posted 18 years ago
ultrapasty says:
Yeah, double clicking sounds like a good idea.
Posted 18 years ago
wodow says:
a double-clicking event would interact badly with the current single-clicking to select/deselect tasks in a list, would it not?
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
me too
Posted 18 years ago
phugel says:
I think you can just click the task and hit the R key to edit the name.
Posted 18 years ago
ultrapasty says:
So you can! Thanks! :D and wodow is right, a double click would get a little confusing now I think about it.
Posted 18 years ago
indigoviolet says:
Maybe, but in a desktop environment double-clicks are clearly differentiated from two single clicks, aren't they?
Posted 18 years ago
bret.bowser says:
I may have missed this in an earlier request. I would love to be able to see my entire task name when editing on the PC. Right now, the task field does not expand when in edit mode. If you create longer tasks this means you must scroll.

Great product, by the way! Perfect for the iPhone.

Posted 16 years ago
drewgeraets says:
I'd just like to chime in again and voice my support for this feature (a la Flickr). It's really my biggest usability gripe with RTM.

Click to edit ...versus click on task, move mouse to task/note box, click pencil and then edit.

Great service! When I get an iPhone, I'll be upgrading to Pro status.
Posted 16 years ago
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