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Markdown support in the notes section

cblupo says:
the one used everywhere such as github and reddit

support in the notes section
Posted at 2:39pm on April 27, 2018
aegiap says:
Posted 6 years ago
jomis says:
This feature has been requested long ago (2006). I have been a loyal user of RTM for a long time, but I am now considering moving to another tools due to lack of basic usability features such as Markdown support !!!
Posted 5 years ago
piercarlos says:
+1 @jomis me too
Posted 5 years ago
migmae says:
Markdown please, even in a basic way
Posted 5 years ago
dmitriy.khoroshkov says:
+many times for markdown in notes.
Very useful feature
Posted 5 years ago
dmitriy.khoroshkov says:
+many times for markdown in notes.
Very useful feature
Posted 5 years ago
seiichi1101 says:
Posted 4 years ago
kongluoxing says:
Posted 4 years ago
julien.rousselot_pragma says:
Posted 4 years ago
forgot says:
This keeps coming up *over* and *over* and *over* again. Markdown parsers are a dime a dozen, available for most languages, and pretty trivial to implement.

RTM is great. I've been a *pro* user since 2008, and this is the one things that's missing.

It's time to add Markdown support...I'll even help if you let me...
Posted 4 years ago
dbsk says:
Duplicate of
Posted 4 years ago
s006112 says:
Highlight, underline is good enough.
Posted 3 years ago
marcin.szczepkowski says:
Posted 3 years ago
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