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default one selection at a time OR complete using checkbox

mbrandonpace says:
I have a funny problem: I accidentally modify multiple tasks when I intend to modify just one.

Here's one scenario I run into frequently...

I have about 50 tasks per day, which show up in the today list. I don't always complete all tasks each day. So,

1) I notice a task due yesterday, which is to run a report for my office.
2) I select the task using the checkbox and postpone 1 day. The task seems to disappear.
3) I select a second task using the checkbox and complete it.
4) The first task never shows up again, the report doesn't go out, and I get angry emails.

So, when I postpone the first task to run the report, it moves farther down the today list, where I don't see it. And it's still checked. When I select another task, I actually have two tasks selected. And so I end up completing both tasks.

I should really send the report out on time. That's one fix.

Another is, instead of clicking on the check boxes, I could click farther to the right -- on the body of the task. This works when I remember.

What would be really nice is one of the following:

A) By default, only one task is selected at a time. (Hold Ctrl for multiple.)
B) Clicking the checkbox completes the task.

Either one would solve my issue, and there may be more options.

Does anyone else feel the same?
Posted at 7:54pm on May 2, 2019
(closed account) says:
It's easy to see if more than one task is selected (at least in the web interface), because the right pane shows no details of a selected tasks. It's a much different look, enough that it catches my eye and tells me how many tasks are selected.
Posted 3 years ago
jaykaplon says:
My wife has this same issue all the time...please fix it.
Posted 2 years ago
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