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MindManager integration

road2ruin says:
Hi Emily, hi all!

I'm sorting my ideas and to-dos with Mindmanager ( Are there any plans to program an add-in for Mindmanager?

It would be great to (automatically) assign and sync tasks between RTM and my mindmaps.

Posted at 12:36pm on July 11, 2007
esantos says:
Same here!
Posted 16 years ago
esantos says:
Here's another vote for a mindmanager addin!
Posted 16 years ago
cainmark says:
I'd like to see this for freemind, as well!

My mindmap was my task manager until I found out about RTM. Syncing them together would be great for me as I tend to tink better graphically.
Posted 16 years ago
alinmechenici says:
Same here!
Posted 16 years ago
yas_13579 says:
Same here!
I love RTM and Mindmanager
Posted 16 years ago
happyatom says:
Another vote for MindManager / RTM link
Posted 16 years ago
danthornton says:
Absolutely! MilkSync for MindManager, Pls!

MindManager is to thinking
Google is to searching

MindManager syncs VERY nicely to hard could this be? Wait...does MilkSync sync to outlook?
Posted 16 years ago
gregoire.banag says:
me to, i want associate mind manager and RTM.
Posted 16 years ago
polycarpo says:
I'd also like very much such an add-in.
Posted 16 years ago
ckennedy says:
me too! Would love this!
Posted 15 years ago
bradsjue says:
I love RTM but wanted a different visual interface, so I went back to Freemind as my task manager with nothing but a list. :(
I would love to see something like I imagine the look just basically transforming all of the tasks with tags and creating a mind map out of them. The freemind xml file is simple and the source code for the wikimindmap is found here

I am not much of a coder but would become one for this project.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
i use RTM daily for my tasks. but i also use mindjet mindmaps to get a visual of my tasks. i put in tasks on my mindmaps. it would be great to view all the RTM tasks as a mindmap view.
Posted 15 years ago
grogol says:
This sync would be incredibly valuable. Being able to complete a task in RTM, and have that show up as 100% completed in Mindmanager is the Holy Grail!!
Posted 15 years ago
dnlusa says:
Me too,

Is there any feedback on this? will it ever be possible?


Posted 15 years ago
trevor.jobling says:
one more vote for this.
Posted 15 years ago
bret.bowser says:
Posted 15 years ago
gblauwens says:
Another vote for MindManager / RTM link
Posted 15 years ago
snom says:
Posted 15 years ago
girish.kosuru says:
me too... looking to make rtm work with mind manager

one immediate way to make this happen is to launch a rss feed along with the atom ones... this should get us all going for the time being till the plugin's / addin's ready...

One more vote for making rtm and mm work together
Posted 15 years ago
amoslemi says:
Posted 15 years ago
vityazev says:
Posted 15 years ago
binghow says:
Posted 14 years ago
binghow says:
Is anyone using a workaround for this now?
Posted 14 years ago
blackwinged says:
+1, or even more if possible :-)
Posted 14 years ago
jsaenz says:
+1 Freemind to RTM: it would be GREAT to transform some nodes of a mindmap to tasks in RTM...
Posted 14 years ago
paulvanderwalt says:
+1 Again for RMT / MindManager come on guys ! Please !
Posted 14 years ago
chris.dungar says:
+1 here too, thats a smart way of working. please help us
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes please !
Posted 14 years ago
mikejodocus says:
+1 for me. Pleaasseeeeee
Posted 14 years ago
nwindett says:
another vote for a sync
Posted 14 years ago
hecpeare says:
+1 for Freemind!!!
Posted 14 years ago
marc.garcia.marti says:
+1 for integration with whatever mindmapping software available out there. This is a must, no way I can do a reasonable weekly review/mind dump otherwise.

Some feedback from the rtm crew would be very much appreciated. I can imagine that you guys are working extremely hard to keep up the service and improve it but I kind of miss getting some feedback more often :(
Posted 14 years ago
dominic.spachmann says:
and still: yes, please
Another possibility is who offer online mindmapping
Posted 14 years ago
doris.stahl says:
+1 I gather my thoughts and tasks soooooooo much better when mind mapping and would be (nearly) in heaven if I could sync with RTM
Posted 14 years ago
c.taylor86 says:
+1 here as well guys...!
Posted 14 years ago
christopher.spence says:
+100 from me
Posted 14 years ago
diaz.sergio says:
Yes, please....
Posted 14 years ago
heiko.barnholdt says:
Yes, please! Wouldn't actually have to be integrated with other applications, though, if RTM would just provide a mindmap display possibility of tasks.... I'm happy to use the web-app.
Posted 14 years ago
stocker1216 says:
I would be happy with just being able to brainstorm a task list in freemind and have it converted to RTM tasks - wouldn't even have to be two-way to be very useful
Posted 14 years ago
goja_rtm says:
two way synchronization between mindmanger and RTM would be great...and no fear, mindmanger doesnt update as often as google does:)
Posted 14 years ago
langus says:
Yes please me too
Posted 14 years ago
marc.garcia.marti says:
I'm torn between mylifeorganized and rtm but neither of both implement a reasonable mindmanager integration and for me that is a key feature... Right now I'm soo lost without this feature...

Does anybody know whether this request has been take on by the rtm team?

Thanks a lot in advance,
Posted 14 years ago
christopher.spence says:
I don' t think this is on the road map but no one can be sure. I have considered making an extension for MM myself a few times in the past.

I put together a quick survey, if anyone is interested in this integration, I would be interested in hearing what functionality everyone is looking for. How you would use it, and what you would like to solve.

There are 4 questions where you can provide information on what functionality you are looking for, and what you want to accomplish. Also the ability to rate each of these features on a scale of 1-10.

If enough people are interested I will likely work on a module for Mind Manager.
Posted 14 years ago
peter.wolk says:
Great idea. But no prejudices! Xmind too.
Posted 13 years ago
goomailtheo says:
them RTM would be really more better than
Posted 13 years ago
andybrown999 says:
Me too
Posted 12 years ago
wonho1027 says:
Me as well. If there were mindmap functionality added to RTM, or at least the ability to sync, I'd be super jazzed.
Posted 12 years ago
ricardomoaraujo says:
Posted 12 years ago
studenikin.ivan says:
Posted 12 years ago
vruslan says:
+1 Must have feature!
Posted 12 years ago
menya1008 says:
+500 )
Posted 11 years ago
girish.kosuru says:
Great tool...
Posted 11 years ago
villardo says:
Posted 3 years ago
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