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Jott integration

greenguru says:
Would love it if RTM had better Jott integration! Yes, you can set up RTM as a contact within Jott to send items to RTM. However, this has the following limitations:

1. Jott contact at beginning of message (enclosed in [ ]) takes up valuable to do description space.

2. Cannot integrate tags, due date, location, etc. in Jott message (I tried this).

3. HTML message is added into to do item as a note, which then needs to be deleted.
Posted at 8:25pm on July 24, 2007
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Jott integration is now available, thanks to the awesome people at Jott. Some more details are available in our blog post.
Posted 16 years ago
justajeffy says:
Yes, I want this feature too. I send a request to jott asking about properly formatting emails that are intended for RTM.

A hack solution that I might go with is to have jott send to another arbitrary email address, and have a php script collect those emails, reformat them properly for new tasks and send to RTM.

Would rather not have to do that, though. :-)
Posted 17 years ago
aroundtheworld75 says:
Just wanted to add my support to this suggestion. Between (for times when I'm driving or otherwise can't type onto my PDA) and direct messaging via Twitter (for times when I'm in meetings or otherwise can't speak out loud) to add tasks, I can send tasks to my inbox in just about any circumstance I find myself.

But, if you will allow these grateful beggars to be choosers, yes, it would be wonderful to have a smoother integration with Jott!

If not, I still love you all. Can we nominate the RTM crew for a Nobel Prize of some sort?
Posted 17 years ago
mystwillow says:
I love this idea as well. I use Jott a lot and this would be a very convenient feature.
Posted 17 years ago
s3bishop says:
Jott integration would be a huge feature improvement.
Posted 17 years ago
nicolas.frisby says:
Casting my vote.
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Note that PingMe has just done this - I really wish RTM would!!
Here's info on what they've done: New mobile PingMe features
Posted 17 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Wow. Look at this: "Pings are interactive! Just reply to the message to reschedule for a later date or time."

Slick. Thanks for the pointer.
Posted 17 years ago
rlieving says:
I am a big user of Jott and vote for better Jott integration.
Posted 17 years ago
chris.varin says:
Me too.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Please add Jott integration!
Posted 16 years ago
andrewminer says:
I find the combination of Jott and RTM just amazing, and I also vote for better integration between the two.
Posted 16 years ago
denny.caldwell says:
I recently wrote an app to Jott to Google Calendar ( and was thinking about doing Jott to RTM next. Guys from RTM: Are you already planning on doing this yourselves? 'Cause if so, I won't waste my time. If not, I'll post the link here when it's done.
Posted 16 years ago
angrydot says:
I vote for Jott -> RTM integration
Posted 16 years ago
beau.raines says:
+1 Jott to RTM
Posted 16 years ago
kraftbj says:
+1 Jott to RTM
Posted 16 years ago
otterbyte says:
Another request for Jott/RTM integration
Posted 16 years ago
wagtag says:
Yup. Another vote here. Hands free is the way to go.
Posted 16 years ago
webkishor says:
Yet another request, and thanks!!!
Posted 16 years ago
sreekantham says:
Me too.
Posted 16 years ago
brian.bubnash says:
Jott+RTM = fantastic
Posted 16 years ago
drgolden says:
One more request.
Posted 16 years ago
denny.caldwell says:
You'll all be happy to know that as of today development has began on Jott to RTM. Keep an eye on our blog ( for the announcement of the Beta release!
Posted 16 years ago
denny.caldwell says:
...And while we're at it, what functionality would you like to see in Jott to RTM? Right now the idea is that all Tasks added will go to your Inbox (you won't specify a Group), but you will be able to specify a due date/time, time estimate, URL, and maybe tags and location. Any input from the peanut gallery?
Posted 16 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:

If I got to pick and choose regarding Jotting RTM tasks with attributes, I'd say due date would be the most important, followed by tags. The other things I am happy to add as part of a weekly review, but due date is key at the time of input.

I encourage you to post at least a pointer here regarding your development - I follow these boards far more closely than I do the far-too-many blogs that fill up my Google Reader account.
Posted 16 years ago
jim.prosser says:
Yes, yes, yes. Jott and RTM together is the killer GTD app.
Posted 16 years ago
lwallach says:
Thanks, Denny, so much, for developing these! I wish I could help but I'm just learning .Net now, and probably don't have the time to do much anyway! I agree with Ranbarton - due dates are probably most important. I would say that while tags are definitely good, I can see how they might be hard to do, especially for those who are using special tags for gtm (or other or their own methodologies). I know you can spell things out, but can you do special characters with jott? Don't get me wrong, I think having the option is great, but I see this more as something to use to quickly note down a few things so that I can see them later in my inbox and do additional fields.

So with that said, probably the key fields to tackle first would be task title, due date, maybe list name, and actually the notes! For notes you could just describe something freeform. I find it hard having to remember syntax while I'm talking on the phone, so just being able to say "Get the document from Dan, Note, Ask him if he's had a chance to review the whole thing or just the section on transponders." would be great. Or you could even say "Get the document from Dan, Note, let's see - this should be due on monday and I'll tag it so that it's part of project X and has priority 1 and I would estimate it should take about 10 minutes and oh, also tag it with context @work." That way you don't have to be super careful about how you say things or what you say. Does that make sense?
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Hi Denny,

Thanks a million for taking this on!
One feature that would really be neat would be to transcribe words into symbols for those of us who precede most tags with a '-' or a '@'. Tags would definitely be the most important function for me, followed by time estimate and due date. Thanks again!
Posted 16 years ago
tzortea says:
add one more vote for Jott+RTM. Thanks.
Posted 16 years ago
arvind.raghavan says:
One more vote for Jott+RTM-- thank you
Posted 16 years ago
beau.raines says:

I'm looking forward to this one!

I would like to be able to specify date, tag and then maybe list.

Posted 16 years ago
beau.raines says:
Oh, notes too.

Posted 16 years ago
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