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Quick complete via checkboxes

oleolo says:
Another suggestion to speed up mobile use. Imagine you are on the road and get a lot of things done (shopping e.g.). Marking things as completed is quite tedious. You have to open the individual task, click "Complete", wait, click "Back to ..." and so on.

Here comes a mockup of a small change to the interface which would make this so much easier. I would love to see this in m.

Current layout:

Posted at 7:42am on September 21, 2007
jtgott says:
sounds great to me as well.
Posted 16 years ago
phouweling says:
Yes, I would really like to see this implemented
Posted 13 years ago
larchense says:
A basic obvious feature that is totally ignored!
Posted 12 years ago
loretta.budd says:
Posted 12 years ago
cheryl.fellows says:
iPad needs checkboxes so we can complete or postpone multiple items at once. Should be the same user experience for those of us who are addicted to the check mark. The boxes could be color coded to keep the priority/save space.
Posted 12 years ago
lexxd says:
yes yes yes!!!!!!!!! great idea
Posted 12 years ago
milkmaid88 says:
Please please add this feature if nothing else.
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
Now, with swiping, marking things complete is pretty quick and easy.
Posted 3 years ago
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