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Mozilla Ubiquity integration

troy.thompson says:
I think RTM should add some commands to Ubiquity for quick task adding.


If RTM doesn't do it, I'm sure someone else will. Just an idea.
Posted at 2:45pm on August 28, 2008
harlleybh says:
Posted 16 years ago
sthomas1 says:
Here is a Ubiquity script to add a task, It builds on what
Kevin Kubasik did, with added functionality of letting you specify the date.

Simply bring up ubiquity with hotkey (opt-space on Mac) and type:

addtask First part Task Name | Date

To add the command to your ubiquity simply enter the following in the Ubiquity Command Editor:

name: "addtask",
takes: {task: noun_arb_text},

_task: function(taskText){

preview: function( pblock , taskText) {
var msg = 'Creates the following Task: "${task}"';
pblock.innerHTML = CmdUtils.renderTemplate( msg, {task: taskText.text} );

execute: function(taskText) {
Posted 16 years ago
sthomas1 says:
I modified the code to work with Ubiquity 0.1.1, also working on a version so in a one line command you can specify tags, seem to need to use the mobile version of RTM to pass things in (more soon)

name: "addtask",
takes: {task: noun_arb_text},

_task: function(taskText){

preview: function( pblock , taskText) {
var msg = 'Creates the following Task: "${task}"';
var myTask = taskText.text.split("|",2);
pblock.innerHTML = CmdUtils.renderTemplate( msg, {task: myTask[0]} );

execute: function(taskText) {

Posted 16 years ago
mark.gibaud says:
Any way to stipulate what list it should go to?
Posted 16 years ago
gary.hodgson says:
I'm working on a ubiquity RTM command that uses the API (and allows you to select the list to add a task to) A version should be ready to release in the next couple of days (if the testing goes ok :) ...
Posted 15 years ago
gary.hodgson says:
Just to follow up in case anyone is interested ... my Ubiquity RTM command is now available here:

If you use it let me know how you get on, and of course let me know if you have any problems.

Posted 15 years ago
dan.catchpole says:
@ gary

I'm having an issue with the Ubiquity script, the notification shows this message:

"An exception occurred while loading code. TypeError: redeclaration of var API_KEY"

Any suggestions on getting it up and working?
Posted 15 years ago
jerwilkins says:
Gary's RTM command is absolutely rocking it.
Thank you sir, for a tremendous addition both to RTM and Ubiquity.
Posted 15 years ago
trentonknight says:
Hey, hows it going? I'm attempting to surf the web and find a variety of Ubiquity coders. I'm noticing allot of people are sharing there scripts. If you would like you are welcome to use our site at . You can upload your javascript to folder and then put the link in a html block. That way when someone wants to install your script they can just view your page and opt to install it. We are fairly new so we are starting with what ever coders we can find to build the site up. Let me know what you think if you check it out. here is the Ubiquity tutorial...

Make sure to briefly review the Course Making Tutorial First just to learn how to add html blocks. It a no brainer and uses a simple gui.

Jason Mansfield
Posted 15 years ago
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