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Gmail gadget

ponderosatree says:
I hope RTM developes something with the new Gmail Gadgets feature. Would prefer something built into Gmail as opposed to a FF add-on I would need to install on every computer I use. More info at the following URLs
Posted at 1:04pm on October 28, 2008
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
You can actually use the iGoogle gadget ( in Gmail, but it's too wide for the space that Gmail gives it.

Any chance we could see a thinner implementation designed to be a Gmail gadget?
Posted 15 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
My first reaction was why would they bother, but you're right - the current solution is FF only. I like Chrome and Camino and Fluid and Prism and in all those places a more 'stock' solution would be great.
Posted 15 years ago
deltahf says:
I'd like to throw in my support for this as well. I'm using Gmail in Chrome because of the speed, but I really do miss my RTM tasks that show up in Firefox. This would be a great cross-platform/OS solution.
Posted 15 years ago
kmich says:
Please count me as another person interesting in seeing the iGoogle gadget become slightly more scalable so it looks nice in Gmail! Feel free to add some of the Firefox Add-ons features while you are at it ;)
Posted 15 years ago
denisbaranov says:
+1 I'm using the default iGoogle gadget, but I'd like to see a narrow version to fit in the column akin to Google Calendar.
Posted 15 years ago
mshancock says:
I also agree that we need a thinner Gadget implementation for other browsers like Chrome, but it also needs some key features that currently exist in the Firefox plugin and not the Gadget:
- quick "add task" textbox
- the ability to delete tasks
- better grouping of tasks (today, tomorrow, this week, next week, later, anytime)

I do actually like the + icons in the Gadget for quickly adding to today/tomorrow, so those could stay.
Posted 15 years ago
andrew.burgess says:
Same here! I use Gmail in Chrome, and I'd love an RTM gadget for it. Maybe you could even work with Google to get a specific Gmail Lab feature for RTM.

Posted 15 years ago
fuhrysteve says:
+1 Definitely want to have something as close to the firefox extension as possible -- but without needing the extension.. my school has firefox, but they don't have a profile or anything that lets us save extensions >:-O
Posted 15 years ago
mshancock says:
w00t! The RTM team rocks! This is a huge improvement.

Here are some things to add to the RTM team's RTM lists:
* ability to delete tasks
* ability to see tasks due after this week (the "next week" and "later" groups from the original Firefox plugin)
* ability to collapse days/groups
* (this one might not be possible, but...) a shortcut key for RTM quick add (I don't think "t" does anything yet...)
* some encouragement in GMail forums from the RTM crowd to support right-side gadgets ;)
Posted 15 years ago
kmich says:
Thanks emily! I'm sure it's just me, but I kept ending up on the RTM for Gmail for Firefox page when I tried to hunt this down to add it to my iGoogle page (I like the smaller text). Perhaps something more explicit may be needed? Either way, thank you very much for addressing this. My only suggestion for the application would be to please consider combining the the iGoogle and the Gmail gadgets to save you time and give both more features. Thanks!
Posted 15 years ago
jjwhite says:
+1 on the requests of mshancock. I noticed none of my tasks beyond this week are showing up (except with no due dates). I'm not sure if there is a problem or the way it is suppose to be.

On a side note, this was a wonderful addition.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
The gadget has been working nicely, but today after upgrading to FF 3.0.8 it disappeared. I've got this message in Gmail:

"Invalid gadget specification. Ensure URL is correct and the gadget does not contain errors."
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Works again.
Posted 15 years ago
jmwood42 says:
busted for me too after the upgrade, still not working...
Posted 15 years ago
jmwood42 says:
using firefox 3.08 for mac and getting the "invalid gadget specification" error. yuck. anyone having any luck with this?
Posted 15 years ago
patrickrohe says:
The gadget stopped working for me in GMail this morning in both IE7 and Firefox 3. Tried to re-add gadget, but getting same error as others: "Invalid gadget specification. Ensure URL is correct and the gadget does not contain errors."
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
same thing here with Safari on MacOS X.
Posted 15 years ago
sibrahim says:
The gadget has stopped working for me as well...
Posted 15 years ago
sibrahim says:
Never mind; just saw on the other thread that using https fixes the problem. It works now.
Posted 15 years ago
tiojoca says:
Love the Gmail gadget, it's just about perfect, but I do miss being able to edit and specially viewing the tasks' notes there.

Would it be possible to add this feature to the gadget?

Posted 15 years ago
apgordon says:
Maybe I'm missing something but...

My Gmail Gadget only displays the current days' tasks. How do I see tasks beyond today?
Posted 15 years ago
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