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Ability to add tasks to Smart Lists

chadcrowell says:
I'd like to be able to add tasts while looking at a smart list, maybe even that it inherits certain traits that put the other tasks on that list.

So if there is a smartlist for items with tag:work and priority:1, the new task would automatically inherit those traits.
Posted at 5:46pm on February 3, 2006
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
You can now add tasks to Smart Lists (with inheritance!). Please see our blog post.
Posted 17 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Having embraced smart lists to the point that all of my items are in one list and viewed via various smart list filters, I have found the inability to add a new task to be frustrating, too.

Ideally, I'd like a way to add a new item that was consistent with the active smart list, and I'd like to be able to create a totally blank task.

I haven't got any bright ideas about how to implement this, which is the main reason I haven't posted about it yet, but I wanted to chime in with Chad that he has a good point.
Posted 18 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
The reason that it's not possible to add to Smart Lists is that they're virtual lists, and each task needs to reside in a real list. As a Smart List can contain tasks from any number of lists, it's impossible to know which list the new task should be added to.

Inheriting traits is a pretty cool idea though, Chad!
Posted 18 years ago
ccaine says:
I see the problem of not knowing which list to add the task to as you describe above. However, I think it would be worth adding the extra step of asking the user which list the new task added on a virtual list should be added to.
Posted 18 years ago
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