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Tag Google Docs, Spreadsheets, or Presentations as tasks

(closed account) says:
It would be really useful if, as with email and the Gmail plugin, you can tag a Google Doc, Spreadsheet, or Presentation as a task.
Posted at 1:07pm on March 23, 2009
sszretter says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
sweet idea! Count me in on this!
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
nice idea!
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
What a great idea! I support this.
Posted 15 years ago
graith says:
Will be a great idea. I use google docs extensively and would definitely be helpful to tag my docs to my tasks and projects.
Posted 15 years ago
marianobenitez says:
Posted 15 years ago
nabbp says:
I like this Idea...I was exactly looking for that
Posted 15 years ago
mehardin says:
y not create a task with the name of the doc, speadsheet or presentation, and include it's url in rtm? woudln't that serve the same funciton?
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
@mehardin, yes the url thing works, but the process is kind of clunky: open the document, copy the url, then make a task for it. I guess something slick like the way we can make a task of an email would be nice.
Posted 15 years ago
stefcom says:
would be great!
Posted 11 years ago
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