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Add a 'location' field

moerl says:
I think you should include "location" as a field for task properties next to due date, reocurrence, estimate, etc.

Why? Well, because if you're going to answer the questions about What? and When? and How Long? for any given task, you might as well throw in the logical Where?, right?

I also speak from experience.. I just added a whole bunch of tasks related to meetings at my university, and they all take place at different buildings in different rooms with different room numbers (obviously). I had to write "Location: " in a note for each task. That works, of course, but I think you get the idea. Adding a "Location" field is nothing but logical.

Posted at 7:45am on October 13, 2005
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We now have locations; please see our blog post.
Posted 18 years ago
epaga says:
I totally agree with this!
This will make the huge number of "Getting Things Done" cult followers be on your side. And you WANT them on your side, believe me. :)
Posted 18 years ago
moerl says:
I read a lot about that lately but personally don't care for it. I just bought a different book off of Amazon that I'm eager to receive and check out. It's about combating procrastination and the "now-habit" :). I'll let you know how that goes ;)
Posted 18 years ago
moerl says:
I read a lot about that lately but personally don't care for it. I just bought a different book off of Amazon that I'm eager to receive and check out. It's about combating procrastination and the "now-habit" :). I'll let you know how that goes ;)
Posted 18 years ago
ricky.webster says:
I've read gtd and the now habbit (actually, i am still reading the now habit)...what is nice about both is that they provide many little tools and tips that can be customized to fit your own habbits.

I agree that a Where? field would be cool feature. For instance, it would be great if next time I happen to find myself at the library I could simply retrieve a list specific to that context (return book x, check out book y, renew card, etc).

I currently use a bastardized gmail account to do something like this. I label "tasks" (one line emails to myself) with different contexts (i.e. @work, @library, @grocery). If I know I am going to be stopping at location X after I am done school, I will just retrieve my @locationX list and take it along.
Posted 18 years ago
moerl says:
Funny.. I ordered "The Now Habit" just last week from Amazon! Is it good? The reviews of it were awesome :)
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
yes, locations, please :)
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
A way to get around this is to make every list a place (or people).

@ work

Posted 18 years ago
anura.samara says:
As a new user to RTM, can I add my vote to include location information as a standard field? It was almost the first thing I looked for!
Posted 18 years ago
jed.hresko says:
YES, please add a location field, except call it "context", which is more GTD style. Make a screen to view your items by context.

Thanks for your great work.
Posted 18 years ago
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